Katrin's Newsletter #30: What now?

This brief missive is a way for me to make connections with people interested in art and creativity (sign up here). I'm an author and editor, always on the lookout for inspiration. Welcome to all my new subscribers!
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget
how you made them feel.”
~ Maya Angelou
What should we do?
This is a new

sletter about creativity, but I didn't send it out as planned because I am weary, I am sad, and a love of books and art can seem indulgent and pointless given the mess we're in.
And yet... it's not. Storytelling is a way to open up our minds to the unknown, to develop empathy and understanding, and that could not be more important right now.
And so we go on, doing the best we can. I've taken a few small steps toward change in the past week. I'm consciously broadening my scope on all social media and art in general by seeking out black artists and writers. Here's a good list if you want to get started reading more widely. I just finished the moving and thoughtful novel An American Marriage by Tayari Jones and am now reading Colson Whitehead's The Nickel Boys. If you have ideas for me, please, let me know.
My latest novel is, in part, an exploration of what happens when we lose the right to have a say in how our government is run. I believe democracy is a right and a responsibility, and, as such, I'm volunteering to send postcards to unregistered voters in the U.S. to encourage them to re-register and vote in the general election. We must not take our freedoms for granted. If you're interested in this work, email me and I'll forward you details.

Kate Quinn, NYT bestselling author of The Alice Network, read my novel recently and sent me the nicest email: “Lyrically written, fantastic world-building…This book will stay with me a long time.”
If you've read This Terrible Beauty and enjoyed it, have you written a review for me yet on Amazon? It would be much appreciated. I'm so thankful to be getting fantastic reviews—700+ and counting!!
And if you have Kindle unlimited, the novel is available for $0.00. You can't beat that :)