Katrin's Newsletter #43: Exciting News!
This brief missive is a way for me to make connections with people interested in art and creativity (sign up here). I'm an author and editor, always on the lookout for inspiration.
About twenty years ago, I created a vision board which has been hanging in my office ever since. In it, I included images of film reels - and people arriving at The Academy Awards, of course - because what writer doesn't dream of snagging a dramatic deal for their story?!
You are the first to hear the news: My debut novel, The Forgotten Hours has been optioned to be developed into a limited series!
My fascination with film development lies mainly in the process: as a novelist who works alone for years on end (literally), it is AMAZING to me how movies and shows are made. There are so many people involved. How can it ever work out? As a consulting producer, I will help out as much as they'll let me. Why not? There's so much to learn.
Sarah Connors, the executive producer of SheSpun Films, has a vision for the series in terms of tone and casting that I am really excited about. Truthfully, in the wrong hands, a story like this could end up super cheesy. I trust that Sarah gets it. She's teamed up with Olivia Silver, Sundance Lab writer/director of the Indie film Arcadia, to write the pilot. I loved that coming of age story and think the mood is just right for my book.
There are still many critical steps to take in this process (like getting a distributor), and a small minority of novels that are optioned actually end up being developed and screened. But one can dream, right?
I've been eager to watch something light-hearted that showcases our capacity for kindness and love, without being totally schmaltzy and unbelievable. While I deeply regret watching The Tinder Swindler, I do NOT regret binge-watching this Australian series, Offspring. Charming, hilarious, appealing characters -- full of hapless people trying to do good. Also, it takes place in Melbourne and the houses and apartments are gorgeous.
If you're looking to be transported somewhere unfamiliar and to gain fascinating insights into the Arctic, climate science, agoraphobia, narwhals, ice winds (real or not) this story is a serious trip. I read it in an early draft and was totally blown away.
Girl in Ice is getting rave reviews everywhere. What do you want to bet this will be made into a movie? "Ferencik outdoes Michael Crichton in the convincing way she mixes emotion and science" - starred review by Publishers Weekly.