Kindness and generosity is everything especially right now. Thanks for underlining that.

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The smartest decisions are usually not to send THAT email. So tempting; so spitting in the wind. xx

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I often use photo prompts in writing workshops with younger students. They love the "what if" element. I have them create their own question list surrounding the photo. I find it so fascinating that after writing the book, the photo and the girl disappeared. I guess you can call her your visiting muse.

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I was so attached to her but when I came time to let her go, I didn’t hesitate. I could see clearly that her function had been kind of internal.

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Love writing-process stories like this one! Someone (Alexander Chee? Or maybe not him) referred to this as scaffolding, those things that allow us to unlock and build the novel, but that don’t stay in the novel in the end.

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Ahh, I like that idea. It means she’s still in there, in the bones, just not visible anymore!

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