The sustaining beauty of simply paying attention
Lovely post - all the writers converging, the chaos and excitement, and then the little hawk...
It's going to be magical! I learned so much from Joy Castro, on writing the memoir.
Being in community with like minded scholars was confirmation for me.Thank you Katrin for the opportunity. I hope to return one day as a published author!
You've made anxious to read House of Sand and Fog, and consider Ket West for next year. Thanks for all the work you do!
Lovely post - all the writers converging, the chaos and excitement, and then the little hawk...
It's going to be magical! I learned so much from Joy Castro, on writing the memoir.
Being in community with like minded scholars was confirmation for me.Thank you Katrin for the opportunity. I hope to return one day as a published author!
You've made anxious to read House of Sand and Fog, and consider Ket West for next year. Thanks for all the work you do!